Michael Krog

Senior Software Developer

Software development and design has been a major interest for me since I was a kid. I love the challenge of making something complex very easy to use. That is also why I have worked with both frontend, backend, API and UX design - I like to be able to track the implementation of a prototype design all the way to the core.

Through years of personal experience I have learned how important code quality is. I have seen companies come and go, but it is always the ones that focus on delivering easy to use products of good quality that prevails in the end. It makes the customers as well as the engineers want to stay.

I find that a both a strong focus and a sense of humor is important. It helps us cope in very stressfull situations, gives us more joy and even makes us more productive. And sharing our joy tends to energize people around us. That is why I spend time each day finding out how I can do it even more.

From a more personal perspective, in 2003 I married Hannah - the love of my life. Together we live in Denmark where we have a house and a cat - we named it Thorkild. We have a lot of fun. Come to think of it - I think we enjoy fun. And food. Both fun and food is important.